Monday, September 3, 2012


For weeks, my senses have been alerted to the coming change of seasons. A chill in the morning air. A gentle crunch underfoot. The squeaking brakes of a school bus slowing at the speed bump in front of my house. All these things tell me that fall is here.

And with it comes a change in my heart. I’m really here this year. I’m really not leaving any time soon. I can really settle into rhythms here in this place, enjoying the season and all it brings as a resident, rather than a visitor.

Relationships that have been defined by sporadic “catching up” can take on a whole new character. We can go deeper places. We can enjoy spontaneity. We can grow into one another and develop patterns that are comforting and lovely.  We can create memories together, instead of only sharing them as stories. 

Before I went to China, relationships were one of my deepest hopes and greatest fears. I wanted so badly to have depth and real connection with my teammates and students. I had hope that the Lord would provide, but my hopes far underestimated the good plans God had in store. I had no idea the greatness of the blessings that awaited me in the women of my team (and the guys, too) as well as in my students and other teachers. Those relationships continue to bless me abundantly.

Coming home, I had expectations that things would look the way they have for the last five years: Sporadic and a little distant. I expected to be isolated. I expected for things not to measure up to my year in China or my time in Memphis. They couldn’t. The past few weeks, my expectations proved to be self-fulfilling prophecies. …Until yesterday.

I finally gave in to my growing desperation for real relationship. I asked a girl I don’t know to have coffee with me later this week; I made plans to join a new friend from church at a weekly gathering of CSU’s international students; and I finally called my best friend from elementary school and junior high after five weeks of intending to do so.

She and I drifted apart in high school, and our relationship has been sporadic – at best – since 2006. But last summer I had the honor of attending her wedding to a man I know she truly loves, and today we started a new chapter of our friendship, kicking it off with lunch, a walk downtown, and an hour in a coffee shop. The afternoon was filled with wonderful conversation - full of depth, good questions, and genuine care. I couldn’t ask for more.

There are many questions to which I still have no answers for this coming season, and I know many challenges lie ahead.

But the lightness of my heart tells me that I am finally free to hope.