Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Today Osama Bin Laden Gave Me Ice Cream... ?

Today has been one of those days that, looking back, seems less like reality, more like a crazy, disjointed dream. 

This morning, I woke to the usual marching music (the freshmen run to inspirational, patriotic music every morning at 6). Unfortunately I woke with remnants of the stress-induced chest and back pain that had started last night in response to a conflict with the leadership. I rolled out of bed, and prepared for my day, spending time reading scripture and calling out for wisdom and strength. 

I don’t often check my email first thing in the morning… but today I did. Waiting for me were two messages, each conveying the same bad news that left me longing to help, longing to be present, but frustratingly separated in space and time from people who are very dear to me. Fortunately, across the hall was a teammate to pray with, who – as it turns out – needed a hug herself.

Feeling a little disoriented as I headed to teach, I ran into three guys in my class. After the usual awkwardly delightful greeting (Me: Hello! Students…… Ah, hello, Teacher! Me: How are you today? Students ……. FINE!!) they ran past me to the shop down the way from my apartment. A few minutes later, I heard from behind me, growing steadily louder “Teacher!! TEEEEEEACHAAAAAH!!!” Before I knew what was happening, my student Laden (yes, that's short for Osama Bin Laden) was handing me ice cream (yes, it was 5 degrees this morning) and insisting on carrying my backpack for me…

It was so startling!  And it was SUCH a blessing. They have no idea how perfect that was.

And then... class was great. I’m teaching about Christmas this week (a bit early, perhaps) and I’ve been singing Silent Night to my classes. They loved it.  : ) We did other stuff, too, but that part was really fun.

After class, I went to lunch with students from one of my other classes. Over lunch, I learned about their families, their lives as students here, their anxiety over the driving test they will take this weekend, their opinions about cultural differences between China, Japan, and America, and many other things. After a while, there was a lull in the conversation and they said, “So, teacher, Monday you told us about the Christmas story. We really want to know more about this Jesus. Please tell us more.” So I did.  

We will be hanging out again soon. We have vague plans to cook together. Please lift us up in that; I have no idea how to cook.

After lunch, my team had our faculty meeting, followed by a long conversation and the resolution of the stressful situation that induced the chest and back pain. I am happy to say that more air has been cleared between myself and Dan, and I am again hopeful for forward progress. We shall see. 

In the evening, two of my Chinese friends came over to study the Book with me, and I had the pleasure of affirming them in their faith, encouraging them to walk and speak with confidence, and teaching them some of the things I have learned over the past few years. I believe the three of us are embarking on a really excellent journey together, and I can’t wait to see where He takes us!

Like I said, it has been one of those days. I plan to remember it as: 

“The day Osama Bin Laden gave me ice cream.”

Monday, November 28, 2011

Coming out of the woods

Over the past month, I have tried to write countless times, wanting to share all that has transpired. But it seems like every time I sit down to write, all of the words fall out of my head before my fingers can start moving.

It’s the end of November, and the team is tired. Since I last wrote we found out that yet another week has been shaved off of the end of our semester. For that I am SO grateful. I am preparing my students for their final performances (re-enacting scenes from movies they like) and teaching them about Christmas. JOY!! We will have all our grades turned in by December 23rd, leaving us completely free to simply enjoy Christmas.

Actually… we have already started to enjoy Christmas! We had Friday off for Thanksgiving, and after Skyping with all of our families, decorations went up and Christmas tunes filled the air. We spent Saturday at another school with the rest of the city team, enjoying fellowship and an awesomely satisfying Thanksgiving potluck. I’m thankful for Lauren Ketron and her stuffing recipe that defies words. I’m thankful to Laura Baker and her scrumptious apple pie. I’m thankful to Kayla Mini for helping me make my first casserole ever. I’m thankful for many other things, but these three were on my mind (maybe because it is almost lunch time).

Since it has been so long, I want to catch you up on all that has happened this month… or at least the highlights.

·         I have become friends with a Chinese teacher named Alice who is absolutely delightful. We meet every week to work on my Chinese and to work on her English, and then we have lunch together. This week we started really getting into our stories. I’m excited to get to know her better! 

·         Last week my team visited a teaching team in Siping where we had awesome time with the people there (including some delightful small children). We also visited an orphanage, and observed some of their classes. Great long weekend (even though we had to make up the classes we missed).

·         I am starting to meet weekly with my two Chinese Sisters to study and praise together! 

I am also excited to announce that I have been ACCEPTED to Harding School of Theology!! What that means … I will most likely be back in Memphis next year, starting work on a Master of Arts in Counseling.

From now on, I will try to write more often. They tell me things get easier once you make it through November…

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What do you mean there are only five weeks until finals!?!

I just got a text from Dan: “Vincent’s decree: ‘First question: teaching will end on 9th of december, finals start on 12nd and end on 23rd…’”

What? The original schedule says that we teach until December 23rd and that finals last through January 6th. Here I was, thinking that I was halfway through the semester with 8 weeks under my belt only to find out that we only have 5 to go. That leaves me feeling ambivalent. I am incredibly grateful that we will not have to run the dreaded academic marathon! (12 weeks with no holidays did not sound appealing… We don’t teach on Christmas and Thanksgiving, but we have to make up the classes.) … However, I am more than a little sad to have so few weeks left with my students.

I just realized how I need to shift my teaching to more effectively serve their needs and interests! I am just getting to know them! At this point, there is no way of knowing whether or not I will be teaching any of the same students next semester, and the thought that I will not get to see my students (even my Monday classes) every week is a sad thought.

In a conversation with a friend this week, I was reminded that every moment of our journey is precious. Not only the grand things in which we get to walk, but the day-to-day drudgery and work that we are called to walk through. I missed that for a few weeks, dreading my classes and celebrating their completion each day. But now I find myself rejoicing in the process, even on days like today when I am reworking my lesson, frantically making copies, and completely unsure of what class will be like as my lesson comes off my paper and interacts with however many of my 79 students decide to show up today.

So, with this new perspective, and with the very unexpected news that our semester is nearly over… We cannot afford to be anything other than fully present.

Please be lifting us up:

that we may daily live in the joy and the hope of following the One who has called us and made us new;

that we may always have praise and truth on our lips, making the most of each opportunity;

that we may fully appreciate the gifts of this year, especially those we have previously mistaken for burdens.