Monday, June 27, 2011

Home Sweet Harbin

The long-awaited placement announcements have been made: I will be teaching in Harbin, China!

Very exciting.

 : )

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

40 Days

I have toyed with the idea of starting a blog for a long time; I now have the time, a good reason, and a group of friends - whom I appreciate - who have asked me to start writing. So... here I go! The title is inspired by a friend's wonderful rendition of an old hymn (which has been ringing through my mind for the past three days) and I hope that you will also read it as an invitation to walk with me, down whatever paths may lie before us.
This past Friday night, I was faced with the feeling that I am out of place here in Memphis, like my time in this city was spent. This was surprising in light of the fact that my time here over the past two weeks has been so good, so valuable. I have been blessed to spend quality time with people I love and enjoy, some I expected to see and some I had never met before. It is clear that I have a place and a purpose here, and my sense of community has been deepening and expanding! And yet I still wondered briefly if it would be better simply to cut my time here short and go back to Colorado... only to remember that I don’t totally fit there either. Then it dawned on me that I am ready to go to China! The reality that I leave in 40 days is setting in (kind of). Something in me has shifted; the world I am about to step into finally feels as real as the one in which I am currently walking. Both are in focus. I am so glad that I have 40 more days with the people I have known and loved for years - as well as with the new friends who I am just getting to know, - and I wait with eager anticipation for what is to come on day 41 and beyond...
I have spent quite a bit of time over the last few months striving to find a balance between focusing on where I am and where I am going, feeling like a pendulum as one day my heart was in Memphis, the next day it was in China. After weeks of frustrating vacillation, I was humbled by the realization that I had set my gaze too low. There is no reason to be torn between my friends and work in Memphis, my family at home, and all that awaits me in China. I was reminded through a gentle whisper to “Keep your eyes up. Keep seeking to follow Me, and from that abundance, simply pour out wherever you go.” If we stay our focus on the One who has made us and called us, we will not find our attention and efforts divided.
Ps. 16:11 You will make known to me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; in Your right hand there are pleasures forever.